Kickstart Tools


Kickstart Tools is a collection of scripts that can be used to build and maintain your own Linux distribution based on Red Hat Linux.  Currently, Red Hat 6.2 through RHEL 3 are supported with this toolset.

At Cisco we decided to RedHat Linux as the basis for our distribution that was going to be supported by IT.  There were a number of changes we had to make to a generic Red Hat install for it to work properly in our environment. There were packages from Red Hat that we did not want installed. There were also packages that we wanted installed but did not come from Red Hat. How would we control what makes up our distribution and how would we automate installation and configuration?

Kickstart Tools is the culmination of our effort to deal with those issues. A description of the tools we developed and how they work can be found on the following pages:

Command-line tools

Documentation for the following tools are forthcoming:

This project is hosted by You can download the source, submit bugs, and comment in the Forums on the Kickstart Tools Project Site.

What's New

Mar 1, 2004 - Kickstart Tools 1.50-a22 is ready for testing.


You may download kickstart-tools from the Files section of our project: Files section on SourceForge

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